فرصة عمل: مطلوب مسؤول عن حماية الأطفال للعمل لدى لجنة الإنقاذ الدولية

فرصة عمل: مطلوب مسؤول عن حماية الأطفال للعمل لدى لجنة الإنقاذ الدولية

يتطلب رسالة مع الطلب؟: لا

نطاق الراتب: بين 1500 و 2000 (دولار أمريكي)

آخر مهلة للتقديم: الاثنين, 19 يونيو 2023
المنطقة: طرابلس الشمال
توجيهات التقديم:

The IRC and IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in IRC Way – Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, and Accountability. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti Workplace Harassment, Fiscal Integrity, and Anti-Retaliation.

Please submit your application before 19 June 2023 on

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Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Applications by email will NOT be considered.

البريد الالكتروني للشخص المسؤول:

Project title: Access to justice and services for working children and children in contact or conflict with the law in Tripoli.


The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933, the IRC offers life-saving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. At work today in more than 40 countries and 22 cities in the United States, the IRC restores safety, dignity, and hope to millions of vulnerable individuals who are uprooted by conflict or disaster. The IRC leads the way from harm to home.

In Lebanon, the IRC implements programs in education, protection, women’s empowerment and protection, economic recovery and development, and child protection sectors. In child protection, one of the IRC’s main objectives is to strengthen the national child protection system to provide a quality response to children and families facing protection issues both during and outside of emergencies. To reach this objective, the IRC partners with local child protection actors to build their capacities.

In Lebanon, Syrian and Palestinian refugee and/or stateless children who require protection, such as adolescent boys working on the street have been referred to the judicial system as they have been perceived as children in conflict with the law. Whilst humanitarian agencies aim to ensure basic services for the most vulnerable children and their families, these interventions are not able to protect Syrian and Palestinian children from harm which may result from a child in contact with the judicial system and may experience the following:

  • Non-child-friendly interview techniques used by front-line investigators.
  • Prolonged periods of detention due to the administrative procedures
  • Procedures that are not child friendly during the actual investigation and trial.
  • Decisions taken regarding cases may not reflect the best interest of the child.


The Child Protection Officer will technically support the case management unit under the Access to Justice project and conduct training on Child Protection and related topics for stakeholders or beneficiaries. His /Her role will include:

  • Preparation and organization of meetings and discussions with different stakeholders, international and national Child protection actors.
  • Training delivery on Child protection and access to justice to the Judicial staff in North Lebanon.
  • Direct coaching and mentoring of the case worker in Tripoli and related case management work.
  • Case review meetings with the Access to Justice case workers.
  • Participate and ask for case conferences for high-risk and complicated cases.
  • Case audit.
  • Update the Access to the justice manager and the IRC coaching program on the trends related to case management in Tripoli.
  • Reporting and M&E.

Major responsibilities:

The scope of work for the Child Protection Officer will be as follows:


  • The CP officer will be organizing and delivering training to be during the project duration. The topics of the training should be discussed and prepared with the IRC Access to Justice Manager and the case management team. Training topics will be around transparency, access to justice for children and accountability to children, Clinical Management of Rape, Physical Examinations and Forensic testing, Child-friendly skills, and child rights (not limited), and other topics requested by the access to justice manager.


  • The Child protection officer will technically support and supervise the caseworkers to discuss high-risk cases and best practices, to ensure that children in conflict with the law, and children at risk of conflicting with the law are receiving quality case management services and will report feeling supported throughout the process.
  • Work closely with the Senior capacity-building officer to support the organization and implementation of capacity-building activities such as workshops, training, discussion meetings, and learning sessions.


  • Liaise with the CP admin officer to ensure that all logistical requirements for the training are finalized.
  • Maintain pro-active communication with all relevant internal units such as preparing the advances. with the Finance department, following up on PR with the supply chain, sharing the weekly movement plan with the Fleet department, share and updates from Safety and Security team.
  • Build strong relationships with local partners, through maintaining mutual respect and vision.
  • Participate in the development of lessons learned and best practices.
  • Document all training, workshops, and field visits using the appropriate tools.
  • Report data and draft narrative reports promptly.
  • Other CP activities as requested by the supervisor.
  • Maintain pro-active communication with all relevant internal units such as preparing the advances with the Finance department, following up on PR with the supply chain, sharing the weekly movement plan with the Fleet department, share and updates from Safety and Security team.
  • Liaise closely with the Access to Justice manager and senior Monitoring and Evaluation officer to develop M & E tools needed for training and other capacity-building activities, (trainings pre/posttests, observation tools, database, training evaluation forms, etc.…).
  • Regularly conduct service mapping to update existing services in the area and strive to facilitate access to services for the child and his/her family even if the process requires thinking outside of the box, advocating to upper management, working groups, national entities, or relevant authorities to facilitate.
  • Communication with other agencies for referrals and service provision, lead case conferences, and attend Child protection meetings.


  • Reporting on workshops conducted (inclusive of dates and times), names of staff documentation of attendants’ lists, discussions, observations/analysis, challenges, success stories, recommendations, and plans. Reports are to be submitted to the IRC Systems Strengthening Manager.
  • The CP Officer should closely coordinate with the Access to Justice manager on high-risk cases.
  • All reports should respect the confidentiality of the Access to Justice project to the extent possible.

Key Working Relationships:

  • Position Reports to Access to Justice Manager
  • Position directly supervises:  2 case workers.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in social work or related field.
  • Work experience: 3 to 4 years working in child Protection, preferably in Juvenile Justice, including 2 years of experience in case management supervision.
  • Strong experience in case management.
  • Strong experience in delivering and facilitating training programs.
  • Strong knowledge of Child Protection and the Juvenile justice system in Lebanon.
  • Strong communication skills.
  • Fluency in written and spoken Arabic and English.
  • Staunch advocate of child protection and child rights.

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